Wednesday, November 21, 2007

good things (my version of american thanksgiving)

here is a list of good things before i go away:

* i joined the YWCA and pumped iron. my biceps were looking gooooooood.
* smoked tofu sandwich from capers. so yum.
* i get to travel and do my last roundtable before the spring. i am going to ladysmith, nanaimo and then duncan.
* my intuition is telling me that it will snow soon.
* my friends call me and chat with me. (really, this is more important than it initially seems - julia called me from bangladesh, and lisa chatted with me on gmail last night from slovenia). oh and my cousins / friends write me (jules sent me a very nice note earlier this week).
* egyptian licorice tea (finally, i bought some)
* helping friends who almost get schmucked by cars. luckily she is alive and well and able to share delicious smoked tofu sandwiches with me.
* seeing the sun. although this impacts how much snow is on the mountains, i was definitely craving some vitamin d.

there - off to lay-dee-smith.
xo jess

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