Sunday, November 18, 2007

blue randomness

blue is not just my fave colour (okay, it's turquoise) but it's also how i'm feeling.

this weekend was good - busy - with lots of present buying and making and lots of bodywork which is probably contributing to my pleasant pleasant mood (detoxifying, anyone?). and i'm not sure why i always forget that the november blues always sneak up and bite me on the ass right about now, and then there they are and i'm scrambling for my lightbox in the hopes of any mood other than total sluggishness.

so here are some reasons for being blue:
*i think it's cuz it's birthday season and i want to go to my brother's and niece's birthday party and would have done anything to have been walking around the detroit zoo instead of being at a yoga workshop all day yesterday.
*there is no daylight. the sun gets up around 8 am and sets around 4 pm. it is 11:30 pm around 6 pm, if you get my drift, and i miss the sun.
*it's raining, but not cold enough to be snow on the mountains, or it's not raining and melting all of the snow that's on the mountains.
*i've had so much bodywork and have been working on myself (counselling, yoga) for the past 3 weeks and i am frankly a little tired of myself.
* lisa just left for slovenia and although i have many many close and wonderful friends, i will miss her. (although, i did make her the cutest mittens out of my old sweater. my craftiness reigns supreme.)


how to solve having the blues:
* eat cupcakes and by cupcakes i mean really good vegetarian food
* work out intensely and distract myself from depression by staring at my sweet sweet pipes
* turn up the old lightbox
* start dating someone fabulous and get distracted by their issues and / or dreamy eyes and / or scads of cash that they want to spend on me.
* stop watching bridget jones for the 300 billionth time.
* go shopping and make myself look and feel fabulous

there. i almost feel better already. almost. now where are those damn cupcakes?

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