Friday, August 31, 2007


as of this morning, it has been 10 years since i came out to live on the left coast.

and just like the first morning when i woke up in whistler, my sleep came to an end with reports of princess diana's death and memorial. it was like a very weird flashback, and it's even weirder that my arrival here is connected with her death. auspicious beginning, no?

anyhoo - am taking the morning off work since i have to work a booth at the PNE (super dogs! mini doughnuts!) so have time to contemplate my 10 years here, and all i can say is, i have survived. and then some.

i have a book that reduces the phases of your life to a pie graph and between 20 and 30, it says "maturing". i concur. lots of maturing has happened (granted, i'm not 30 yet so there is still more to come).

here's a list of my accomplishments in the past 10 years (seriously, 10!!! that is NUTS):
* made it through my extendo university life
* taught myself how to snowboard
* developed a healthy addiction to all things yoga
* lived in 2 university residences and 10 different apartments with a total of 15 roommates
* worked at a host of different non-profits and built my career
* hopefully made a difference in the lives of kids and yutes out here
* made lots of friends and worked on making my urban family
* got my woman-body
* negotiated living 1500 miles away from my family (ongoing)
* remained a good daughter and good granddaughter (for the most part - a couple of glitches along the way)
* dated some good people, some ok people and some people who steal your tv
* recovered from dating people who steal your tv
* became an aunt
* got my driver's license and first car
* went on some great vacations (including a country that is now on fire)
* had some great visits from fine friends and family
* saw some friends / family get hitched
* was amazed by friends / family who had babies
* had 3 pairs of glasses
* found a fabulous hair dresser

yes, all of those accomplishments - from the sublime to the goreblimey, as my mom would say.
and yes, there will be a partay. and it will be HUGE - like the number 10.

as they say, i am in double digits. huzzah!


Julia said...

congrats on reaching 10 dear... i now it's so weird that to my, hearing about anniversaries of princess di's death remind me how many years ago i moved...

very good accomplishments i think. i'm very proud of you!!!! especially for the parts i got to share with you.

here's to the next 10!

Julia said...

ok.. the second sentence makes no sense... sorry.

have lost ability to type properly.

jenn said...

Wow. Only ten. Already ten. Yeah.