Thursday, June 21, 2007

i totally sat on a bench

yuppers, i did not go swimming.

it's good - not to get all diary-entry here - but i think it's positive that i'm not being so hard on myself, and that i can actually just go for walks and sit on benches and get into novels and not feel like i have to "improve" my life somehow. i think i might be liking myself a lot more. i've been going for walks down by the seawall every night and have been laying low, while slowly coming out of the hideout and doing what i have to do and what i want to do.

so today i am going to the farm to help out and i'm also going out for lunch. yahoo! i'm very excited for both of these things. and then i'm coming back either tomorrow night or on saturday morning for yoga and then my friend's arrival on saturday night. i'm going to try to spend more time at the farm if possible - but i've also gotten some interviews, so i have to make sure i'm prepped for those as well.

oh man, i'm boring myself. i wish i had more exciting things to say but i don't. other than i see herons all the time when i go for my walks and that feels very special somehow. i like how they crane their necks before they thrust their heads in the water. i also like when they go through that entire process of craning their necks, staring off into the water for about 7 minutes then the thrust and come up with nothing. they're cute when they shake their heads and then they just do it all over again. seems like a metaphor for something larger, but i just think they're cute and majestic at the same time.

and a question: can a heron "crane" its neck? or is that reserved for cranes? yes, that was my deep thought from my walk last night. off to frolick in the kale.


jenn said...

I like reading your blog even when it is not all that "exciting" - for what it is worth.

And I also like reading because it is very much some things I've been thinking with my own life. With less birds.

Andrew said...

farming is exciting... :P

Every ironworker I've ever met has been riveting (sarcasm) so I'm sure herons can crane.