Sunday, March 4, 2007

i am sooooo eddie murphy

so somehow in this awesome week i managed to lock my second bedroom door. there is no push lock but somehow it locked.

when i told my landlord, he offered two suggestions since there was no safety mechanism. one - i could insert a screwdriver into the slot between the handle and the rose (the circular part on the door) or two - i could use some flexible plastic and try to jimmy the lock. when he asked me if i knew what he was talking about, i told him, yes, i had seen it on beverly hills cop sometime in the early-mid eighties.

so i grabbed an empty pop bottle and sliced it up and presto, magique! i am eddie murphy (a la axel foley) and my bedroom door is open. and will never be closed again.

you don't got no iiiiiiiicceeee creeeeeeeaaaaaaam....

and i am currently rocking out to steely dan on the radio. yes, i just uttered those words, "rocking out to steely dan". sweeeeet.

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