Wednesday, March 19, 2008

why is a short week always so loooong?

and why haven't i posted in so looong? well, my uncle had complications after his surgery which is pretty much a gross understatement, i got homesick and depressed and then i got busy. really busy. and i went away and saw awesome people and places and now i'm finally home (at least for a couple more weeks).

my uncle is getting better slowly thanks to the amazing dedication of my mom and thanks to the wonders of medical science, but my homesickness is still there. i just want a mom hug.

and my work travels have been fun (ok, okanagan was waaaay more fun than the cariboo, but still, travelling and tv are almost always good). i have a couple of boring solo pics from the okanagan which are much less fun than the pics that jan took that are on facebook but the cariboo pics are stuck on my work laptop which means i have something to do while at work tomorrow! along with my work, that is. :)

and it's wednesday and all i want is thursday to come since i get friday and monday off! praise jebus! and chocolate! oh and jebus again! (i still haven't figured out exactly what he was doing on easter monday, but i'll take all of the holidays i can get. this girl needs a break from the travelling and compressing of everything into short timeframes due to travelling and this girl definitely needs a little sleep-in.)

here are some of the okanagan pics:
they walk on water there! and talk on water! (speaking of jebus)

sun at silver star!

sun and cloud! (can you tell vancouver is a little grey?)

and originally i thought this was a very nice pic of me but then i realized that this is my fakey fake smile, and now i howl whenever i look at it. oh and i howl when i look at my goggles / faceshield too (but it only cost me $20! and my glasses fit under them! and probably a small cat could fit under them too!)

i'm out. must do sexy things like wash dishes and pick up clothes that i have been throwing all over my apartment this week in the hopes of being dressed for work. that's right... who's bringing sexyback? jc (jesus and jess....!)



Julia said...

hey lady

sorry i missed your trip, but i did enjoy jan's photo montage.

good to hear from you again

jess said...

you should post on your blog too!

Julia said...

i blogged! i blogged!!

jenn said...

Hee, I like your cheesy grin! And you know you had a good selection of cats you could have put under those goggles.