Sunday, March 23, 2008

immortal diamonds of the world unite!!!

here's the highlight reel of my easter weekend (so far):

* movies on thursday night. "into the wild" is amazing and beautiful.
* yoga on friday. hung out with my friend after and then walked home from kits.
* 11 hour sleep on friday night. (11 HOURS!!!)
* tea party on saturday where i found out 2 things: one, i have metal kneecaps (for protection) and two, i am a wild woman goddess girl who is blessed. oh, it was a healing tea party and there was an energy worker there and it was amazing.
* yummy lamb dinner with family, chased by my first ever pavlova which was goooooooood.
* went to church this morning which was great.... a little "jesus christ is risen today" and a sermon whose moral was "you are an immortal diamond, so shine!"
* hanging out today with a walk in the rain, tea, fruity hot cross buns and then historical "drama", the other boleyn girl, which was good if a wee bit historically inaccurate.

and do you know what the best part is? my weekend ain't done yet! one more day of bliss and rapture and then back to the olde grind. i might spice it up, though, by bringing back the olde pentagonal headpiece a la anne boleyn or catherine of aragon. i may be single now, but not for long after i don one of these babies. trust.

1 comment:

jenn said...

And now look! Weekend again!