Monday, January 14, 2008

my lucky day

luck be a lady! and let that lady be jennifer aniston!


1) i made it to work on time.

2) i made myself a really good lunch and surprised myself by loving all of the food i brought to snack on during the day. yay me!

3) i saw JENNIFER ANISTON on the walk home. JENNIFER ANISTON!!! i knew she was in town, but really. for those of you who don't know, i am not bisexual but i would run away with jennifer aniston in a heartbeat. really. my friends have mocked me for this but i don't care. so today, i saw her BACK. she was wearing a green sweatshirt and was in the middle of filming so she was at least 100 feet away in the hyatt which was masquerading as a seattle's best. and i have to say.... her hair is extremely highlighted. tone it down, jenny! oh, and i never saw her face. but i know it was her. mostly because everyone around me was saying it was her. and i didn't wait for her to turn around. seeing her back was enough.

4) i made it home and one of the previous tenants ordered the west coast seed catalogue and there it was! that's like the farm version of jennifer aniston!

and then
5) a little girl who lives in the building was giving out free cookies. so i took one and ate it.

not bad. not bad at all.

1 comment:

jenn said...

Mmmm, and now I want a cookie. And a Jennifer Aniston!