Thursday, December 13, 2007

ganga-lion, rawr!

um, so the ganglion in my wrist might have just gone away. i have no idea if i've written about this before, but i have a ganglion in my wrist from when i fell on my ass on my way from the mall to work after lunch one day. and it took forever for the docs to figure out what it was (ganglion? no! bursitis? no! aah, yes, ganglion) and i have an appointment for next week to have the sucker removed which i was all stoked for (except for the shaved arm part).

then i fell on my way back from the mall two days ago (yes on the way back to work after lunch - different place) and suddenly there isn't really a bump or at least a big bump. but my wrist is still sore and i feel like there's a little something there. anyhoo - now i'm going to see my doc on monday and keep my appointment on tues just in case there is something still there. drama!

so i went on the internet to see if they had any pictures and this was the best excerpt from an article that i could find:

Media file 4: A ganglion cyst that has been operated on in the past. This ganglion returned because this person plays the cymbals in her school band.

oh, how i wish i had my ganglion because i PLAY CYMBALS IN MY SCHOOL BAND!!!!!

i am still giggling 10 minutes later.
how i love the internets.

p.s. they used to call them bible cysts since you used to smash them with a big book or bible. *shiver*
p.p.s. mine is / was not as big as cymbal girl's.


Lisa said...

Oh my Good Lord! Who knew that Cymbal playing was such a high contact sport!? I mean, I know about the danger-filled life of the Triangle Player...but Cymbals?

Won't someone please think of the children!

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