Friday, October 19, 2007

t minus 14 days and counting

why, oh why, am i blowing candles out?
weeeellllll that's because when i was home with la famille, we had a birthday pie (thanks harrow united church and grandma) and i got to do a little pre-emptive candle-blowing-out.

so in anticipation of my favourite national holiday (unrecognized by the ignorant masses), here's the list.

WARNING: these gifts are not practical, but, hey, it's a wish list!
* le creuset kettle (a half one - the 80 dollar kind)
* a little cast iron skillet
* an ipod shuffle (shockingly, i don't want it in turquoise - green or pretty pink please)
* 1 skein of noro "silver thaw" wool from dyelot 5A only available in the states. pooh.
* the "duh" list - the new nigella cookbook, the new (and hopefully not the last) rebus novel
* meaningful gestures from lovely people

party news will be going out SOON.

(on a completely random note- look at the pic closely - you can actually see my eyebrows! rare occassion my friends)

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